Thursday, December 30, 2010

This is it my friends, the day has arrived quite fast and I'm off to Africa... well, that is if sitting at the airport watching planes come and go constitutes being "off" but yes, the time to leave has indeed arrived. Three hours from home and I can truthfully say, so far so good. I'm most excited about all the terrifyingly unknown events before me.... I can hardly wait to eat all the gourmet plane food and watch those brilliant movies while my feet swell happily in my shoes. My hand luggage is already causing me far far too much grief (not a good thing since I'm only three hours into a flight/layovers that will last over 25hrs) the problem is, I only have myself to blame and of course I really don't want to do that.  :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

This is soon to be my new home!!!!! Haha, yeah don't worry, I'm pretty astounded in shock too. After a whirlwind of activity this month I am all set to fly to South Africa on the 30th of December. Goodness, that's less than two weeks away! I am most excited and of course a little nervous, it's much to get my mind around. Anyhow, I'll be volunteering as a General Steward onboard the Africa Mercy hospital ship until March 2011.