Thursday, January 13, 2011

A hike up the hill.

Surprisingly the rain seems rather distant this week, making for a lovely day to hike up the hill behind Appelsbosch yesterday. Well, if the truth be told I was a bit hessitant to hike through the grass and rocks, and did so while instinctively listening for rattles. That of course was silly, in my mind I knew that if a deadly snake came my way there would be no rattles at all. But habits are hard to break, so I kept listening. It was a beautiful day. On the top of the hill we came across some cows that were staked out in the grass eating for all they were worth.

 The bugs are incredible. The one above was huge and looked like an oversized yellow wasp. They were jumping all throughout the grass. We also came across some fairly smooth boulders (or so I thought), but a closer look revealed that they were actually homes to busy communities of ants swarming everywhere.

The view from the top of the hill was lovely, truly a birdseye view of the surrounding area. Many many farms. Pretty much all the roads up here in the mountains are dirt ones, most people walk everywhere. The pace of life is therefore quite relaxed, a lot of singing can be heard as people walk from place to place so it's a happy place. 



  1. Bobbi,
    Nice hearing what you are doing. As you proceed on your trip, could you include what your duties are and your special thoughts that could be included in the LCSDA Newsletter.
    You are in our prayers
    David & Wendy Long
