Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Galley Like No Other.

Just said goodbye to my first day in the galley while floating out here somewhere at sea. It was an interesting day to say the least. I think I mentioned already that our galley has no windows and a very low ceiling -- this, combined with the room constantly swaying back and forth, then side to side causes for many interesting situations.

It takes awhile to adjust to a swaying kitchen, and my first moments were cautiously unsure ones. Especially as the tangy smells of cheese combined with those of bread dough, lettuce and dish soap. I found myself facing a rather daunting task of battling my stomach. I had to steel my mind against giving in to the nauseous feelings welling up inside. It didn't take long for my mind to have plenty else to think about though, as we soon were busy preparing the meal. Nevertheless, while I might have warded off sea-sickness this time our the day wasn't without its share of mishap. We had a tray of hot rice come sliding out of the oven and spill all over the floor. And then of course there were the ocassional avalanches of dirty dishes (or clean ones) which would come crashing off a bench, and bang their way across the tiles.

My personal trauma came when trying to place a large tray of freshly cracked eggs into the fridge -- as I pushed the tray into the fridge a big wave pushed us up and those slimy raw eggs started pouring all down the back of the fridge. Horrified, I pulled the tray out quickly only to find that now the room was tipping the other way and a slop of sticky eggs came flying over the other edge of the pan, down the front of the fridge and all the way to the floor.

Let me tell you, all there is to do in a such an intriguing situation like this one I'm finding myself in... is to laugh and keep cleaning up the messes. Carmen assured me not to worry about a thing as today was a fairly calm day after all. Oh yes, we're going to have some fun fun fun in the galley, I can tell that already!!


  1. Gee, thanks. I just got a little ill reading that. You put me right off the delicious raw egg and dish soap lunch that Jaimee made me. On the brighter side, at least they aren't asking you to do this on roller skates.

  2. Roller skates?? Ha, that sure would've added another dynamic... but I think the oily floor was dynamic enough. :)

  3. The photo of the eggs says it all! :P

  4. I seriously thought you would end up retching in this post. Thoroughly disappointed.
    Yes, I AM a true friend. ;)

    But seriously, cute post!
